Wednesday, April 28, 2010


(Read my rant at the end of this photo purge if you're: bored and/or want to waste time)
I love fashion and interior design and things of pure aesthetic pleasure, but I frequently go through phases of worry and wonder if I'm merely another product of our consumer culture. We're the generation of Apple, of Starbucks, of Urban Outfitters. Capitalism is so embedded in our lives that sometimes I feel like the only means of escape is to build a charming forest cottage with my (future) husband, and bring only our dog(s) and our art supplies. But even this is in some way reflective of certain media influences, namely Into the Wild, the Romantic period of art and poetry, the hippie-free-love era. AH! But I love stuff. Honestly. Cool bikes, kitsch jewelry, bright mod furniture, the sartorialist, funky chandeliers, sweet ass outfits, vintage junk! Yet I know that it all means nothing. I'm a walking contradiction and I know this. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust--what's important in life is Organic & Human, not Plastic & Cotton. I believe this. I've started to justify my love of aesthetics through creating art that has conceptual inspirations, or in other words, meaningful origins. I have decided to appreciate the process by which individuals collect items, because it often speaks to their histories, interests, insecurities. I thought that with this rant it would be appropriate to introduce Todd Selby to our blogOsphere. He photographs individuals with distinctive aesthetics in their natural habitats. And, I admit, I'm obsessed.

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