Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Love Manhattan (Woody Allen)

Manhattan is obviously heavenly, filled with infinite beauty and a community of inspiration.
Everywhere you look there is an adorable and quaint coffee shop or bar tucked away
between a pizza parlor and bagel shop and under a one of a kind boutique.
There is a one of a kind diversity that has a constant flow of common european languages and pitches of obscure african, middle eastern and asian languages that sing "New York, New York" along with Frank Sinatra with every foreign syllable.

But now that everyone is clear about Manhattan in general, how about the Woody Allen film? I was quite eager to see it, with my New York obsession and all the hype, but should the film itself earn overrated oscar?
Honestly I found Isaac to be absolutely dashing with his cynical and sarcastic babbling and Mary's pseudo educated elite rants quirky and adorably charismatic. I also appreciated the plot of a highly unusual love triangle.

(Spoiler Alert! Watch Movie First!)

But what is Woody saying here? Love is a matter of what is easiest and that you just have to give anyone a chance regardless to contemporary conventions? Honestly I was disappointed with the end because I felt as though Isaac was sacrificing Tracy's future out of a selfish desire to satiate his own loneliness. It is one thing to request that grand expression of irresistible love if it is in fact irresistible love. But rather he is just glorifying the past and out of loneliness he reminisces on how he "had a good thing going with Tracy" out of its simplicity and ease, and not out of its love or overwhelming passion.

But she ends telling him he has to have more faith in people. I felt as though this was significant but I could not determine its exact significance to the piece. Any ideas?

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